LILAC Intuitive Healing
LILAC Intuitive Healing
LILAC Intuitive Healing with Messages Remote Session
Service Description
Lilac Intuitive Energy Healing™ LILAC (Living in Light and Consciousness) LILAC was developed by Diana Kushenbach founder of the Academy of Spiritual Arts. For many years Diana has received this system in layers and through spiritual growth and divine inspiration. In this session we will work in LILAC energy and will receive messages to assist with healing, developing your spiritual gifts or other divine guidance you are looking for during the session. What energetic levels does LILAC heal? LILAC heals at all levels: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, etheric, vibrational, connecting, twin flame, crystalline, elemental, and beyond. LILAC is at a level of raised conscious that allows access to deeper healing while still here on a physical level. LILAC is performed in the higher realms beyond Christ Consciousness, which, in a few sessions, allows the human body the ability to heal areas that would have taken years of healing work to achieve. Healing happens on all levels without the chaos of having to be in the physical world when healing. No physical pains are experienced during the sessions and energy is healed or erased from the consciousness. A higher plane allows you to heal without mentions of negative energy, entities, vows and contracts, subconscious mind, trauma, and other physical world lower vibrations. You never need to talk about or bring up lifetime trauma in order to restructure it or heal it. You will feel and see sacred geometry, elevated planes and vibrations. A lower tone of light or sound can be sensed, which might feel like a mild tightness that will lift within minutes of your session, but this is in no way connected to a lower consciousness or vibrations. Many new levels of consciousness will be available to you as you continue your LILAC journey. You create with Source new doorways and healing as you raise your consciousness and ability to heal with this modality. We will mainly use our hands and intentions in this healing system and will be including methods using grids, platonic solids, and crystals. You will learn how multiple and various positive changes will occur in your physical world by using this energy and method to heal. LILAC is a peaceful energy that connects you to who you are as a soul and to Source in the highest plane. We will connect remotely from the comfort of your home.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule an appt please notify us at least 48 hours prior to appointment.
Contact Details
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